In 2011, Silvus introduced the world’s first tactical MIMO radios – and we’re still pushing the industry forward today. Our background in DARPA-funded R&D paved the way for robust wireless networking for high-stakes industries such as military, law enforcement, and broadcast.
The 4000-series of StreamCaster radios represents the latest generation of continual improvement in size, weight, power, efficiency, cost, and capability.
With great power comes great capability.
SC4400E delivers the power of 4×4 MIMO in a ruggedized package. SC4400E is ideal for use in fixed infrastructure, vehicular, long range, and airborne applications where maximum performance is desired.
Powered by the cutting-edge MN-MIMO waveform:
Expansive suite of LPI/LPD and Anti-Jamming resiliency capabilities.
Achieve secure and protected communications without sacrificing performance.
Powerful network management software – embedded in every StreamCaster radio, and accessible from virtually any computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Not only do we build superior technology, we help you get the most from it. Out-of-the-box functionality. Ongoing support. Relentless research and development. Contact our sales team to discover how we’re leading the MIMO revolution.
The following notice applies to the sale, lease, or offer of this device other than the sale or lease of this device for use by the United States Government or for export of this device:
This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.
Please contact Silvus if you have questions about the FCC approval status or requirements that pertain to this device including whether an FCC approved version of this device is available and the sale or lease of this device for use by the United States Government or for export. Devices that are exported are subject to the laws of the countries into which the devices are exported.