
Military radio communication as dependable as the teams who rely on it.

Legacy single antenna radio systems are no longer adequate when it comes to meeting the requirements of modern military operations. Military radio communication now demands more range, data throughput and robustness than ever before. With deep roots in advanced US Military research, Silvus Technologies understands the high-stakes demands placed on today’s military operations. We have leveraged this expertise to develop the world’s first MIMO radio optimized for tactical applications. Our current line of StreamCaster radios improves the capacity, range and reliability of data and high bandwidth video transmission, achieving never-before-seen performance in the difficult conditions that impact every mission.


Unified Network Communications For Multi-Domain Operations


StreamCaster LITE 5200: The Power To Perform

Unmatched reliability

  • Increase your line-of-sight (LOS) range
  • Improve your reliability in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environments and multipath-rich locations typical of urban or mountainous areas
  • Connect reliably under highly mobile in-air or on-ground conditions
  • Achieve higher throughput rates

Robust features

  • AES128/256 encryption
  • IP68 construction
  • Self-healing, self-forming Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET)
  • High data throughput rates
  • Radios combine to form single frequency network
  • Your choice of licensed bands: 300MHz to 6GHz
  • Cursor on Target (CoT) messaging for interoperability with ATAK and WinTAK


Expansive suite of LPI/LPD and Anti-Jamming resiliency capabilities.
Achieve secure and protected communications without sacrificing performance.

No mission is too tough.

Silvus StreamCaster radios provide mission-critical communication across the entire spectrum of military radio communication needs.

  • Inter-vehicle communications
  • Dismounted operations
  • Perimeter security

Tactical Dismount Solutions Brochure

Dismount Body Worn Antenna Placements

Push-to-Talk Solutions & Accessories Brochure

  • Sophisticated Technology for High Intensity Training

    Discover how Silvus MN-MIMO technology supports the U.S Army’s efforts to create a realistic combat environment for high-risk live-fire training.


Not only do we build superior technology, we help you get the most from it. Out-of-the-box functionality. Ongoing support. Relentless research and development. Contact our sales team to discover how we’re leading the MIMO revolution.

The following notice applies to the sale, lease, or offer of this device other than the sale or lease of this device for use by the United States Government or for export of this device:

This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.

Please contact Silvus if you have questions about the FCC approval status or requirements that pertain to this device including whether an FCC approved version of this device is available and the sale or lease of this device for use by the United States Government or for export. Devices that are exported are subject to the laws of the countries into which the devices are exported.